About Us

Welcome to our page! We are a mother daughter boutique. Growing up I have always loved shopping and learning about what the latest trends were. My mom’s mom was a huge influence in this. She loved to just go walk around the stores to see the latest styles. Then she would go home and draw out the styles she liked and make the the dresses or shirts at home. Now I didn’t inherit her ability to make clothes from scratch, but I did inherit her love for them. My daughter on the other hand grew up loving and wanting all the Boujie brands. This is what has lead us to opening this boutique. Though both are not exactly Tech Savvy we have a clear idea of what we want to offer.

We want to offer size inclusive clothes and lots of colors. We want to offer the colors most places in our area don’t offer. We have never understood why every size can’t dress their true selves.  We hope that we can achieve this with our store. Buying and shopping is very overwhelming more so than we realized but we are ready for the challenge. So I hope that we can provide clothes that will inspire everyone to Dress their True Selves